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Aiming at the treatment of base defects before construction of epoxy floor paint. A high quality floor is affected by many factors. Among them, there is the ground base. The quality of the base determines the quality of the floor. Therefore, the grass-roots defects should be dealt with actively and effectively. As the saying goes, sharpening knives does not mistake wood cutters. Without solving the problems at the grass-roots level, how to carry out the construction of epoxy flooring and how to create a high-quality epoxy flooring in Chengdu. 


1. Disposal of attachments on the ground at the grass-roots level


On the surface of the base, because of construction reasons, many attachments will be left, such as cement bumps, sand particles and floating slurry on the cement ground. These attachments need to be cleaned by polishing machine or shovel blade before epoxy primer construction.


Some base expansion joints are filled with asphalt, which needs to be digged out, filled with epoxy mortar, and finally wiped to the same level as the surrounding base with a metal spatula.


Treatment Method of Base Defects before Construction of Epoxy Floor Paint


II. Treatment of Oil Pollution


Especially in industrial floors, oil pollution is the most serious. The pore of base concrete is blocked by oil pollution. Epoxy flooring paint can not penetrate, which will affect the adhesion of paint film and flooring. Even if the epoxy flooring in Chengdu is well done, shrinkage and other phenomena will occur. So we need to deal with oil pollution. If there is less oil pollution, we can clean it directly with detergent. In areas with more oil pollution, it is suggested that gasoline or alcohol combustion be used to remove it. In the case that the above methods are not ideal, it is suggested to make concrete again.


3. Treatment of Flatness


Epoxy flooring requires a high level of leveling of the grass-roots, and needs to be repaired in areas where the leveling does not meet the standards. Epoxy mortar or other suitable materials can be used to repair the pits and irregularities on the ground. If it can't be done once, it can be done many times. Afterwards, grinders and milling machines are used to trim the levelness of the ground.

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