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1. Make sure that the ground is clean before the parking lot epoxy floor painter, if there is any debris adhesion, it needs to be removed; 

2. Mix epoxy resin and curing agent in the right proportion and add certain quartz sand according to the proportion; 

3. Pour the material on the ground after mixing evenly, and use the trowel knife to evenly open the material according to the designed thickness, so as to increase the strength. And impact resistance; make the ground more solid and compressive. 

4. After the coatings of epoxy floor paint in parking lot are dried and solidified, the surface hangings and particles are polished and smoothed. 

5, dust disposal is clean.


Inspection method: Whether the construction handover treatment is appropriate, the position of kick line is straight, no separation from the wall, flat.


Epoxy putty layer



1. After mixing epoxy resin and quartz powder in the right proportion on the clean ground after parking lot floor paint construction, the batch knife is used to scrape evenly on the ground to increase the combination between the middle coating and the surface layer, and further adjust the smoothness of the ground; 

2. According to the actual needs of construction times, it is required to achieve a level without holes. No batches of knife and sand print are allowed.


Inspection method: To make the ground completely flat without holes, no batch of knife prints and sanding prints before surface coating construction can be carried out. 

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